영어영문학 분야 신간 도서
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[국내 신간 도서]
[국외 신간 도서]
1. Comparative Literature
2. Literary Criticism & Theory
영어영문학 분야 추천 도서
영어영문학 [어학] 추천도서 관련도서 더보기 >>
한국인에게 어려운 영어 발음
/ 강용순 저
A course in phonetics
/ Peter Ladefoged, Keith Johnson
A course in phonology
/ Iggy Roca and Wyn Johnson
An introduction to language
/ Victoria Fromkin 등 저
Applied linguistics
/ Guy Cook
Corpora in applied linguistics
/ Susan Hunston
Discourse analysis
: an introduction
/ Brian Paltridge
English : one tongue,
many voices
/ Jan Svartvik, Geoffrey Leech
English Syntax and
/ Bas Aarts
Implicit and explicit knowledge
in second language learning,
testing and teaching
/ Rod Ellis ...[et al.]
: its structure and use
/ Edward Finegan
/ Francis Katamba
Understanding and using
English grammar
/ Betty S. Azar 등 저
Understanding morphology
/ Martin Haspelmath
Variation across speech
and writing / Douglas Biber
Linguistics for everyone
: an Introduction
/ Kristin Denham, Anne Lobeck
Linguistics for non-linguists
: a primer with exercises
/ Frank Parker, Kathryn Riley
: a generative introduction
/ Andrew Carnie
Principles of language
learning and teaching
/ H. Douglas Brown
Second language
learning theories
/ Rosamond Mitchell 등 저
/ John I. Saeed
Practical language testing
/ Glenn Fulcher
Practical phonetics and phonology
/ Beverley Collins & Inger Mees
영어영문학 [ 문학 Ⅰ] 추천도서 관련도서 더보기 >>
二十世紀 英美詩의 理解
/ 李昌培 著
二十世紀 英詩
/ 英美詩叢書刊行委員會
; 李在浩 譯
/ 한강 지음
1984 / 조지 오웰 지음
; 이기한 옮김
(A)Portrait of the artist
as a young man
/ James Joyce [著]
Dubliners / James Joyce 저
; Dauk-Suhn Hong 편저
Gulliver's travels
/ [Jonathan Swift 저]
; 김일영 편주
(The)Crying of Lot 49
: with essays in criticism
/ Thomas Pynchon ; 김상구 편저
A handful of dust
: decline and fall
/ by Evelyn Wauge
An outline of American literature
/ Peter B. High
Beloved : a novel
/ by Toni Morrison
Blood meridian, or, T
he evening redness
in the West / Cormac McCarthy
Contemporary British plays
/ Kim Yoo, Lee Wonjoo
/ Theresa Hak Kyung Cha
/ J.M. Coetzee
Do androids dream
of electric sheep?
/ Philip K. Dick
Flight Behavior : a novel
/ Barbara Kingsolver
Goodbye : Columbus
/ Philip Roth
Heart of darkness
/ Joseph Conrad
Invisible man
/ Ralph Ellison
Kindred / Octavia E. Butler
; by Robert Crossley
/ by Jamaica Kincaid
Measure for measure
Modern British drama,
/ Christopher Innes
Mrs. Dalloway
= 댈러웨이 부인
/ Virginia Woolf ; 홍덕선 [편]
My year of meats
/ by Ruth L. Ozeki
Native speaker
/ Chang-rae Lee
New British political
dramatists: Howard
Brenton, David Hare... / John Bull
Nights at the circus
/ Angela Carter
영어영문학 [ 문학 Ⅱ ] 추천도서 관련도서 더보기 >>
Once in a promised land
: a novel / Laila Halaby
Perrine's sound and sense
: an introduction to poetry
/ Thomas R. Arp, Greg Johnson
Sense and sensibility
/ Jane Auste
n ; edited by Ros Ballaster
Shakespeare's plays
in performance
/ John Russell Brown
Solar storms : a novel
/ Linda, Hogan
Strategies of political theatre
: post-War British playwrights
/ Michael Patterson
/ Margaret Atwood
The American tradition
in literature / ed. by George Perkins
The concept of modernism
/ Astradur Eysteinsson
The good soldier
/ Ford Madox Ford
The great Gatsby
/ F. Scott Fitzgerald
; preface by Matthew J. Bruccoli
The hours
/ Michael Cunningham
The inheritance of loss
/ [by] Kiran Desai
The New York trilogy
: City of glass.../ Paul Auster
The Norton anthology
of American literature
/ Nina Baym, general editor
of modern poetry,
edited by Richard Ellmann...
The poetry of Robert Frost
: the collected poems
/ ed. by Edward Connery Lathem
The reluctant fundamentalist
/ Mohsin Hamid
The tragedy of King Lear
/ edited by Jay L. Halio
The windup girl / Paolo Bacigalupi
Ulysses : the corrected text
/ edited by Hans Walter Gabler
Unclaimed experience
: trauma, narrative, and history
/ Cathy Caruth
White teeth : a novel
/ Zadie Smith
Women in Love
/ David Herbert Lawrence
영어영문학 기타 추천도서
마이클 폴란의 행복한 밥상
/ 마이클 폴란 지음
; 조윤정 옮김
History of the theatre
/ Oscar G. Brockett,
Franklin J. Hildy
In-yer-face theatre
: British drama today
/ Aleks Sierz
Writing history, writing trauma
/ Dominick LaCapra
Language, culture, and
communication : the meaning of
messages / Nancy Bonvillain
The woman warrior
: memoirs of a girlhood
among ghosts
/ Maxine Hong Kingston
Living theatre
: history of the theatre
/ Edwin Wilson, Alvin Goldfarb
The four fundamental
concepts of psycho-analysis
/ Jacques Lacan
The Cambridge companion
to Shakespeare on film
/ ed. by Russell Jackson
The sublime object of ideology
/ Slavoj Zizek
Preface to modernism
/ Art Berman
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