심리학 관련 학술정보관 소장 도서
150 Psychology 152.1 Sensory perception 152.3 Movements and motor functions 152.4 Emotion 152.5 Physiological drives 153 Conscious mental processes and intelligence 153.1 Memory and learning |
153.3 Imagination, imagery, creativity 153.4 Thought, thinking, reasoning, intuition, value, judgment 153.6 Communication 153.7 Perceptual processes 153.8 Will(Volition) 153.9 Intelligence and aptitudes 155 Differential and developmental psychology
155.2 Individual psycholgy 155.3 Sex psychology 155.4 Child psychology 155.5 Psychology of young people 12 to 20 155.6 Psychology of adults 155.7 Evolutionary psychology 155.9 Environmental psychology 156 Comparative psychology |
158 Applied psychology 158.1 Personal improvement and analysis 158.2 Interpersonal relations 158.3 Counseling and interviewing 158.4 Leadership 158.5 Negotiation 158.6 Vocational interests 158.7 Industrial psychology |
*심리학 자료는 중앙학술정보관 4층 국내자료실, 2층 국외자료실, 1층 동양서고, 2층 동양서고의 해당 분류번호 서가에서 찾을 수 있습니다.
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