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수학교육학 학술정보 가이드: Book


수학교육학 분야 추천 도서


수학교육학(일반) 관련 추천도서    관련도서 더보기 >>

Theories of mathematics education

수학교육과정과 교재연구

수학교육학 기출문제해설집


대수학 관련 추천도서     관련도서 더보기 >>

A first course in abstract algebra

Elementary Linear Algebra Application Version (9th ed.)

Elementary Linear Algebra Application Version (10th ed.)

Linear algebra and its applications

Set theory

Elementary Number Theory (6th ed.)

Elementary Number Theory (7th ed.)



대수학의 이해


해석학 관련 추천도서     관련도서 더보기 >>

A first Course in Mathematical Analysis

Schaum's Outlines of Advanced Calculus

Calculus of Several Variables

Complex Analysis

Complex Variables with Applications

Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems

Elementary differential equations and boundary value problems

Introduction to Analysis

Introduction to Real Analysis

Introduction to Real Analysis

The Art and Craft of Problem Solving

뇌를 자극하는 수학공부

말이 필요없는 증명

문제해결의 수학적 전략

수학과 개연 추론

알기쉬운 해석학

올댓 피타고라스 정리


기하학 관련 추천도서     관련도서 더보기 >>

Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces

Elementary differential geometry

Elementary differential geometry

Geometry and topology

Modern differential geometry of curves and surfaces with Mathematica

Undergraduate algebraic geometry

대학 일반기하학



유클리드 기하학과 비유클리드 기하학

위상수학 관련 추천도서     관련도서 더보기 >>

Schaum's outline of theory and problems of general topology



일반위상수학 : 이론과 연습


응용수학 및 확률통계학 관련 추천도서     관련도서 더보기 >>

A student's guide to waves

Introduction to Mathematical Statistics

Introduction to the Theory of Statistics

Mathematics for finance

통계적 확률분포

통계학 : 엑셀을 이용한 분석


Pattern recognition and machine learning



Discrete Mathematics

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